White Rabbit Chef’s Table

One of my goals this trip was to dine at the White Rabbit Chef’s Table in Moscow. It was a experience more than a meal and exceeded my expectations. Looking forward to my next visit!

Fish Fish Fish

The Chef on the night I was there was Alexey Kogay who is the Chef of Chicha Bar a Japanese and Peruvian restaurant. A place I will have to visit next time I am in Moscow.

The Menu was all about Seafood, and was definitely an interesting night.

Everything was in Russian, so I was lucky to be sitting next to a Russian Teenager, Daria, who lives in SINGAPORE, and spoke perfect English (better than mine). Thankfully Daria translated all the important stuff.

Don’t let the lack of English prevent you from dining at the White Rabbit Chef’s Table, it really was not an issue.

The Food

Taraco Caviar, Cucumber and Strawberries

To start the night a spot of caviar. An enjoyable mix of flavours, both sweet and sour, textures and contrasts. A very fishy dish.

Sushi Butterfish and Black Truffle

The combination of butterfish, black truffle and honey was amazing. Loved it!

Sashimi iBluefin Tuna Kama Toro

I have never seen tuna with such pronounced lines of fat before. This meat was from the tuna’s belly and was very tasty.

Tuna Tartare Avocado and Flying Fish Caviar

The Chef’s instructions were to smash the avo, bloody Australians are getting in everywhere. The mix of flavours and textures made this another amazing dish. Really enjoyed this as well.

Usuzukuris Tuna and Wasabi Sauce

The wasabi gave the dish a nice spice kick. The chef had a wasabi root that he was continually grating most of the night for use in a couple of dishes. Loved the smell of the fresh wasabi

Domburi Black Cod and Wasabi Leaves

This was an interesting dish. The heat of the rice and the black cod was used to cook the egg yolk that was placed in between the two. The egg yolk was also injected with the sauce. It was tart with a sweet smoky sauce, think a high end bbq sauce, combined with the flavour of the cod. Another great dish really enjoyed it.

With this course the best Miso Soup I have ever had was served. YUM

Yuzu Sorbet

Nice and refreshing palate cleaner

Hamachi Cheek and Sweet Cherry

This was an interesting dish, we had to DIY our own tacos using lettuce leaves as the taco shell. Really worked well, great piece of fish.

Éclair Yuzu

The first dessert was served with a Japanese Tea that is apparently harvested at altitude were it gets its “sun burnt” flavour from. The combo of the Éclair and Tea made for a very interesting contrast that just worked. The éclair pasty was perfect, nice and light and yuzu cream filling was yum.

Wasabi Ice Cream and Figs

To round off the night we had a wasabi ice cream served with gold leaf and fresh figs. I enjoyed the flavour mix but a number of others at the table did not seem to enjoy it as much as I did.

The Wine

As this was a seafood extravaganza decided to go with one of my favourite grapes, Albarińo from Spain. A 2018 Mar de Fardes Albarińo Atlańtico  from Rĺas Baixas, gave it a 3.5 out 5. Worked well with most of the dishes served on the night

White Rabbit Chef’s Table

At about 21:30 the dinner was finished, the end of 90 minutes of gourmet paradise. What an experience, definitely worth it from all aspects.

My favourite dishes from the night

The price for Fish.Fish.Fish was 13,000 Roubles

The price for Fish.Fish.Fish was 13,000 Roubles, about USD 200, excluding drinks, which, considering the fame of the place is not as bad as it could be. Other nights the price varies depending on the cuisine and the Chef.

A pleasant surprise was the wine list, which was pretty decent and the prices seemed to be reasonable, cheaper than Singapore at least.

I definitely recommend the White Rabbit Chef’s Table.

If you are by yourself like I was, dining at a restaurant that offers a Chef’s Table experience is the way to go.

What did surprise me (a little) was that there was a kid at the table who had to be no more than 10, he really seemed to enjoy the night. Guess Master Chef Junior is to blame 😉

FYI, I had issues booking online, they only accept bookings with 100% payment up front, guess too many people book and just don’t turn up. I think that the issue I had was associated with paying for something on a Russian website, sorted it out in time.

Wine Reviews


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2 thoughts on “White Rabbit Chef’s Table

  • August 19, 2019 at 16:50

    very fancy dining just before your adventurous real trip! :p

    • August 20, 2019 at 08:58

      It was pretty good. A great meal to prepare me for some not so good meals…


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